
In medicine, a device such as a small metal plate or needle that carries electricity from an instrument to a patient for treatment or surgery. Electrodes can … [Read more...]

electrodermal response

A change in the heat and electricity passed through the skin by nerves and sweat. Electrodermal response increases in certain emotional states and during hot … [Read more...]


The drying of tissue by a high-frequency electric current applied with a needle-shaped electrode. … [Read more...]


A procedure in which tissue is heated to destroy abnormal cells. The heat may come from electric currents, microwaves, radio waves, or ultrasound. … [Read more...]


A recording of electrical activity in the brain. It is made by placing electrodes on the scalp (the skin covering the top of the head), and impulses are sent to … [Read more...]


A procedure to destroy tissue (such as a tumor) using an electric current. Also called fulguration. … [Read more...]


A battery-operated device that makes a humming sound. It is used to help a person talk after removal of the larynx (voice box). … [Read more...]


A substance that breaks up into ions (particles with electrical charges) when it is dissolved in water or body fluids. Some examples of ions are sodium, … [Read more...]

electromagnetic field

An area of electric and magnetic forces caused by electromagnetic radiation. Researchers are studying whether the electromagnetic fields from power lines, … [Read more...]

electromagnetic radiation

Radiation that has both electric and magnetic fields and travels in waves. It comes from natural and man-made sources. Electromagnetic radiation can vary in … [Read more...]